Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Honest Food Guide Exceeds 70,000 Downloads; Offers Nutritional Wisdom Without Food Industry Influence

It's no secret that a healthy diet is the best strategy for disease prevention, but can Americans trust the nutritional information provided in the USDA's food pyramid? Natural health author Mike Adams believes there is a better model for healthy eating, which he illustrates in the Honest Food Guide. Consumers clearly agree. To date, the Honest Food Guide has been downloaded more than 70,000 times from, where it is available free of charge.

"The USDA's food pyramid is heavily influenced by food producers," explains Adams. "Their recommendations consistently cater to the industry rather than actually looking out for the health interests of the general public. I want to provide an alternative that gives people sound nutritional information, based on science, not big business."

10 Tips to Beating Your Food Cravings

Craving food is normal, especially when you are dieting or following a weight loss plan. Sometimes, you may even be craving something that you need and may be deficient in, such as a mineral. Just because you crave something unhealthy does not mean that you have to give in to those cravings, though. By following these ten tips, you can overcome your cravings and stay on track to lose weight.
1.  Water
The human body needs hydration. If you are craving something cold (and often sweet) like soda or ice cream, then you may need to drink water. You may find, when you are craving a bottle of soda, that a drink of water may calm your craving for soda or fruit juice. Listen to your body, be sensitive to hydration, and drink water when you are thirsty.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sport by sport diet guide

Whatever your sport, nutrition should be an integral part of your training and competition strategy. Although the emphasis will vary according to the activity you're involved in, there is a consensus among sports scientists on guidelines that athletes should be aiming for.


The International Conference on Foods, Nutrition and Sports in Lausanne (1991) agreed the following nutrient intakes to be optimum for most sports: 60-70% of calories in the diet from carbohydrates, 12% from protein and the remainder (18-28%) from fat. This in effect means eating a diet far higher in carbohydrate and lower in fat and protein than average.

Later in this article we will go on to consider detailed requirements for different types of sports activity. But first, we'll take a look at the three key ingredients in sports nutrition: carbohydrates, fluid and iron.

Secrets of Health from the Healthiest People

Ever wonder if there are hidden secrets of health? Let's check out the healthiest people known to live on earth for THEIR secrets of health.

To do that we'll need to go to Okinawa.

Here we discover a higher percentage of healthy 100-year old people than anywhere else on earth – three times more than in the U.S. And Okinawans have practically no risk of heart disease, with 80% less breast and prostate cancer and 50% less colon and ovarian cancer.

What are the hidden secrets of health for these healthiest people? You probably already know some of them. But others may surprise you.

Stroke Prevention: How to Prevent a Stroke

One out of three stroke victims die. And many of the rest are left with major disabilities.

But stroke prevention works. And right now is the very best time to begin stroke prevention by learning how to prevent a stroke.

Your blood vessels carry vitally important oxygen and nutrients to your brain. A stroke is basically a brain attack, occurring whenever a blood vessel to the brain is either blocked by a blood clot or ruptures.

High Protein Foods List for a High Protein Diet

The healthy high protein foods list (below), for a high protein diet, includes all the healthy protein rich foods high in protein content.

And our free high protein foods printout has what you need for a healthy high protein diet. 

This healthy protein rich foods list, including carbs, calories, fat and protein content, can help you to feel great, lose weight, build and maintain muscle, stay fit, trim and super healthy and look your absolute best.

So print out our beautiful high protein food list and hang it on your fridge. With easy access, you'll choose more healthy foods high in protein.